Sunday 28 February 2010

Making a Human

I have started messing around with making humans in blender starting with the feet and legs.

The feet were made using a cube that was extruded and rescaled and both legs were made using cylinders. Once one leg had been made, it was mirrored and replaced to save the trouble of having to remodel another.

Monday 22 February 2010


After looking at various video clips on the internet, I have decided to do animations on the 100m sprint, javelin and weight lifting. The clips that will be useful have been included below.

100m Sprint:


Weight Lifting:

The fact that most of the videos are in slow motion will help me view the movements of each person more easily, so that they can be replicated in blender. I also considered animating the long jump but put that aside.

Saturday 13 February 2010


Our task for 3D Character Animation is to create 3 animation sequences totaling 30 seconds in length. The main idea that I am currently looking at is animating 3 different olympic disicplines, as the movement displayed in each practice varies greatly, making each animation .from one another.

To help me get a feel of how the final animations should look, I searched on video websites such as YouTube for various animations of events that I may choose. Also looking into videos of walk, run and jump cycles should help with the animation process.