Monday 12 April 2010

Weight Painting

Now that the mesh has been attached to the armature, the first area I looked at was to see if there were any vertices in the mesh that have not been assigned to a vertex group (i.e. not linked to a bone). To do this, I simply grabbed the 'balance bone' in the centre of the mesh (in pose mode) and dragged it. Any vertices that would be attached to a bone should be dragged along with it, leaving any unassigned vertices behind.

Sure enough, some of the vertices were left behind. The main cause of unnasigned vertices was due to some of the mesh in the head, such as the eyes and teeth. In order to fix these vertices, I went into Weight Paint mode and selected the corresponding vertex group of which I wanted the desires vertices to be assigned to. By selected an intensity of 1.000 and 'painting' over the vertices, I managed to assign them to the bones and stop them from stretching out of position.

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