Sunday 21 March 2010

Rigging the Model

The next stage was to add bones to the model so that the model behaves anatomically as a human in real life would, so that the model can be animated and provide realistic looking fluid motions. This is a process called rigging.

To find out how to rig the model I had previously imported, I once again looked on the internet to find a good tutorial on how this could be done. Most of the tutorials I discovered had the rigging procedure for each stage of the body, but written individually by different authors, which may cause problems with trying to implement all parts into the same structure.

It was then that I discovered a set of tutorials that had beed posted on by the user ArtER21. The nice thing about these tutorials is that he also used the MakeHuman programme to implement a 3D model of a human into blender, allowing me to be more familiar with the process.

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